Meet Dr. Nick Silveri
Chiropractic Allows Me To Heal The Whole Body

Springfield Chiropractor, Dr. Silveri
Ever since I was little I wanted to be a doctor of some sort. All through college I had my sites set on being a dentist. I was applying to dental schools when I decided that I didn’t want to be working in people’s mouths all day long and I wanted to do something that dealt with the entire person. After some research I decided that being a chiropractor would allow me that opportunity.
I graduated from the University of Texas-San Antonio in 2000 with a bachelor degree in biology. I then went on and did my masters work in biology at the University of Illinois – Springfield. When I enrolled in chiropractic school in the fall of 2002 I had never seen a chiropractor and wasn’t even quite sure what they did. At that time I was very “medically-minded”, meaning that I would only see a doctor if I was sick, but I was also very into natural health and the idea of allowing the body to heal itself. When I got to chiropractic school it truly was an awakening and the things I was hearing made more sense than anything I had heard before. Every subject had the same underlying theme…that the body was a self-healing and self-regulating system with the nervous system controlling everything, and by addressing the nervous system you could make the person as a whole healthier. In the three and a half years I was in school my way of thinking completely shifted and I embraced the idea that if you take care of your body, your body will take care of you.
My Chiropractic Lifestyle Continues
I was born in Springfield, but I grew up mostly in Austin, Texas. My father’s side of the family still resides in Springfield, and that is why I chose to come back to the area and begin working. I am single with no children, which allows me a lot of time to travel and pursue my other great interest in life…golf! I’m not great but I think I am getting better. I try to play a couple times per week, but that’s not always possible with two offices.
I try to get adjusted about once a week. When I’m feeling run down or sick I try to get adjusted daily until I am feeling better. I also work out regularly and try to eat as healthy as possible. I never take antibiotics unless I have a diagnosed bacterial infection that has not responded to several attempts at natural solutions (adjusting, acupuncture, supplements, etc.). I do not take over-the-counter pain relievers. No cough syrup, no headache medicine, no antacids, etc. I believe in chiropractic and natural health and I do not believe in masking symptoms and taking medications with harmful side effects. I live my life as healthy as I can so that I am confident when I ask my patients to do the same.
I’m so proud of this office and its staff. We truly are a team here and are able to offer a wide range of services that address almost any problem you can think of. Our providers are world class, our staff is the best you’ll find and the programs and services we offer are the most evidence based, effective versions we could find. I’m a little biased, but I believe wholeheartedly that we offer you your best chance of getting healthy and staying healthy. I can’t wait to welcome you as a new patient in our office! Call today to set up an appointment.